So, I've spent a good chunk of my day working on assignments. Apart from that, I'm looking for a good simulated artificial neural network. I miss the one I had on my old hard drive. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the download because I'm no longer a computer science student at ISU.
I want to use it to help with the analysis of a paper prototype for GAM170. I'm experimenting with Joone right now, but I don't think it's what I'm looking for. I'm more interested in the results than I am in the analysis process itself.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
The University of Advancing Technology
I'm a junior at the University of Advancing Technology. Right now I'm finishing up my third semester at UAT. I'm in the Multimedia college working toward a bachelor's in Game Design. I love it here; the university suits me perfectly.
I used to be interested in programming, but I decided on design instead of programming before I transferred to UAT. The specific parts of game design that I am most interested in are designing the rules of the game and writing. I also enjoy level design, although my experience is limited. I've made a few levels and a couple campaigns for Warcraft III and I did some scripting for an Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion level. I have no experience with 3-D modeling yet, though I plan to take some classes on it sooner or later.
Finals are coming up pretty soon, and schoolwork consumes the majority of my time. I'm also an editor for Error404 Press, the recently formed school paper. I absolutely love working on the paper. I also hope to either start or work on a game project within the next couple of semesters.
I used to be interested in programming, but I decided on design instead of programming before I transferred to UAT. The specific parts of game design that I am most interested in are designing the rules of the game and writing. I also enjoy level design, although my experience is limited. I've made a few levels and a couple campaigns for Warcraft III and I did some scripting for an Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion level. I have no experience with 3-D modeling yet, though I plan to take some classes on it sooner or later.
Finals are coming up pretty soon, and schoolwork consumes the majority of my time. I'm also an editor for Error404 Press, the recently formed school paper. I absolutely love working on the paper. I also hope to either start or work on a game project within the next couple of semesters.
Monday, July 24, 2006
A New Blog
I figured that I'd give Blogger a try. My first blog was a Livejournal, which I don't post on as much anymore. It's friends-only now, so the majority of my posts are hidden from the public. My second blog is on my myspace account, which is also a relatively private blog. My most recent blog is my account. It's a much more public blog than the previous two. This blog will probably share a lot of content with my other blogs (except, of course, private entries). This blog, along with my blog, will be the most public of my blogs.
I have a broad range of interests, and it's likely that I will cover a lot of them in this blog. I hope you enjoy reading this drivel as much as I enjoy writing it.
I have a broad range of interests, and it's likely that I will cover a lot of them in this blog. I hope you enjoy reading this drivel as much as I enjoy writing it.
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